Group Fitness Classes

BODYPUMP, a total body workout that will burn calories, shape and tone your entire body, increase core strength and improve bone health.

RPM™ is a group indoor cycling workout where you control the intensity. It’s fun, low impact and you can burn up to 500 calories a session**.

A fun-loving, insanely addictive dance workout. SH’BAM™ is an ego-free zone – no dance experience required. All you need is a playful attitude and a cheeky smile so forget being a wallflower – even if you walk in thinking you can’t, you’ll walk out knowing you can!

LES MILLS CORE™ is a scientific core workout for incredible core tone and sports performance. You build strength, stability and endurance in the muscles that support your core, improve balance, assist injury prevention, and become better at everything you do.

Step into a BODYCOMBAT workout and you’ll punch and kick your way to fitness in this high-energy martial-arts inspired workout is totally non-contact and there are no complex moves to master.

BODYSTEP™ is a full-body cardio workout to really tone your butt and thighs. You can expect a mixture of upbeat, rhythmic stepping, with squat and lunge patterns to work the legs.

Ideal for anyone and everyone, BODYBALANCE™ is a new generation yoga class that will improve your mind, your body and your life. You can expect to bend and stretch through a series of simple yoga moves, elements of Tai Chi and Pilates.

LES MILLS TONE maintains the original 3 in 1 training style - a mix of cardio, resistance and core while playing with different training concepts to ensure everyone gets the best results from their workouts.

Les Mills & Moms to Be

Exercising throughout your pregnancy is not only possible, it’s potentially beneficial for both you and your baby – but in order to exercise safely some modifications are a must. Follow these pregnancy exercise guidelines and you can reap the rewards of regular exercise while doing what’s best for you and bubs. However; always remember to consult with your doctor for any workout that you do.

Les MIlls Pregnancy Guide